Shop My Presets!

Shop My Presets!

Shop My Presets!

I am so excited for these and this is something I've enjoyed doing so much! Editing pictures is one of my favorite things to do, so I wanted to make something that is super easy and simple for you all! I just think presets make pictures look more professional - You just throw a preset on it and it makes colors pop and brightens it up. It takes your feed to a whole new level!

I did ten different ones because not every preset is going to look good on every single picture - It depends on the lighting you start out with, the colors in the pictures and more. So you have 10 different options to use depending on the picture! All of them have a similar vibe so your feed will flow, but I wanted to make sure you had something that would work with every photo you take. They take some getting used to, but I know you'll end up loving them!

They are super easy to get onto your phone or computer! Nicole's team is amazing, so once you buy them, you'll get a whole install guide with step-by-step instructions. Plus if you ever have any issues or questions, you can reach out to them and they will help you! Seriously, they are amazing!

To answer some basic questions:

What app do you use them in?
You use them in the Lightroom app (it's a free app) and really easy to navigate!

Once you buy them do you have them forever?
Yes, it's a one time purchase. So once you buy them, you do have them forever and ever!

Once you get the presets, you'll get an email with a full install guide giving you instructions on how to get them into the Lightroom app and how to use them. And then you can you use any picture. A picture you took today or a picture you took a year ago or one from five years ago. Just put the picture into the Lightroom app and then click through the presets until you find the one you want to use for your picture! It’s really so simple.

One major tip I have is to always make sure your camera lens is cleaned off. A lot of times there's smudges on it from finger prints or being throw into your purse or pocket. If you wipe it down, it will give you a much clearer picture!

Which is your fave?

krista horton presets

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