29 Weeks Bumpdate

29 Weeks Bumpdate

29 Weeks Bumpdate

2 1/2 pounds of baby in this belly this week! Kollyns is over 15 inches long now and they're calling her a butternut squash at 29 weeks! Her rolls, kicks and punches are getting more intense and I got my first charley horse this pregnancy. I would occasionally get charley horses when I was pregnant with Boston but I had yet to get one this pregnancy until mid-sleep early Tuesday morning. Those are no fun! More water and bananas it is for me! Sleep has not been the easiest lately with being uncomfortable and having insomnia but that's only preparing me for those late night feedings which I feel like just ended with Boss!

I've been feeling lots of pressure lately and the veins in my legs are going a little crazy! It's been super hot in Bakersfield so I'm sure that's not helping with circulation. Normally, I'm cold alllll the time but I have been SO hot lately! I'm starting to feel impatient with just wanting Kollyns in my arms already. I just picture her sweet face with a headband on top of her head of course ;)

Guesting on Lot801

This week, we are guests on Lot801's blog again and it's all about the "mom super power" in us all! I love that she picked this topic and it was so much fun to write about! Head on over to their website to check us out if you have time (it should be up sometime today)! In these pictures, Boss is wearing his scribble leggings from Lot801 and I'm wearing another dress from PinkBlush Maternity that I love! The fit is great and it's perfect to dress up or down! It was raining on Tuesday when we took these pictures so I paired it with some boots and we were good to go! Hope you are all having the best week!


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28 Weeks Bumpdate